change your money script

change your money script

Have you ever told yourself these words, “That’s so expensive,” or “I’ll never be able to afford that”? Or lived under the assumption that you’ll never be as successful as your wealthy friends and relatives. If yes, then it’s a sign that you have a negative money script running in your brain. Think of these scripts as mental blocks or faulty beliefs that are keeping you away from living a rich and abundant life. 

If not taken care of at an early stage, your negative money scripts can ruin your finances and keep you stuck in a scarcity mindset. The mental tape running in our heads influences our behaviors and actions, which further impact the results that we get. This is why we must eliminate our mental blocks and any self-sabotaging patterns if we want to win with money in the long-term.

Replace any limiting beliefs you have picked up around money with wealth-positive thoughts and affirmations. And start visualizing how making your desired income every month will enable you to live extraordinarily and give generously. 

Once you start reprogramming your mind and changing your money script, the resulting paradigm shift will not only skyrocket your income and the quality of your life but also position you to make a meaningful impact on other people’s lives.