chipping away the excess

Excess has no purpose; it is meaningless. Excess indicates a lack of focus and clarity. Excess stops your life and your progress. Whether be it an excess of materialistic things in your life, or excess of body weight, they all anchor you down. It’s time you dump all the excess and choose freedom instead.

Freedom means decimating all the anchors and chains that hold you down once and for all. In order to live a true and meaningful life, we have to have a vision of what our ideal self is and what our ideal life is, and do things that take us in that direction.

When Michelangelo was asked how he created his masterpiece David, he simply said: “It was easy. I already saw David in the marble, I just chipped away the surplus.”

As you chip away the excess from your life, sure it will hurt but you have to understand it is actually for the betterment of your life. A coal has to endure a lot of discomfort and pressure till it becomes a diamond. And we all know the value of diamonds.

We all have a short span of life on this magnificent orb, so direct your focus and energy towards doing things that really matter to you, that you get a great sense of meaning from and that take your life forward in the direction of what your vision is.

Take action and start chipping away the excess, because the sooner you start doing it, the sooner you will set yourself free!