cultivate a growth mindset

cultivate a growth mindset

2020 has been a rough year for all of us; we have gone through a multitude of changes within a short span of time. While we may be overwhelmed with these continually adjustments, the truth of the matter is that change is a constant part of life, pandemic or not.

The challenges that we are facing, whether be at home, at work, in our community or in our nation are nothing but opportunities in disguise to step up our game and become more disciplined and focused both in our thoughts and our actions.

Instead of running away from these incessant changes and challenges, it’ll be much wiser if we precondition our mindset to tackle them in a better way. We must spend our time, energy and attention on developing ourselves so that we’re able to assess the problems that come our way and figure out the opportunities hidden in them and leverage them for our greater success. In other words, we need to cultivate the skills of adaptability and problem-solving to both survive and thrive in this constantly changing new normal and gain the success advantage over others.

Researchers have revealed that there are two mindset types — fixed and growth. Those with a fixed mindset accept the status quo and the “normal” rather than finding alternative avenues to improve their lives. Those who have a growth mindset have an innate aversion towards settling. They tend to think of failures and obstacles as opportunities to grow and become better, and are usually flexible and more open to exploring new ideas and solutions. It’s safe to say that people in the latter category have significantly better and more fulfilled lives. 

Now is the best time ever to alter your thinking. You must cultivate a growth mindset and open your mind and consciousness to the changes that come your way. Because only then you’ll be able to adapt to them and work wholeheartedly towards finding effective solutions to them.