curious + conscious

curious + conscious

“The best and the most important object for every person is his inner self, his spiritual being. A person who knows all sciences but does not know himself is a poor and ignorant person. He who does not know anything except for his inner spiritual self is an enlightened person.”

— Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom

It’s good to be both curious and conscious. One helps us seek external resources, and the other empowers us to tap into the inner ones. Moreover, both curiosity and consciousness have a beautiful, synergistic relationship with each other; the right balance can equip us to expand our horizons and build extraordinary wealth for ourselves, both in the material and spiritual sense.

However, if you had to pick only one trait, which one would you choose? Would you like to be curious or would you prefer to be conscious?

It’s not an easy answer by any means, but here’s some food for thought. 

While curiosity and external activity can bring us some wonderful rewards and help us transcend new, uncharted territories, becoming conscious and knowing ourselves and the Self within is a nobler feat and can have a greater impact, both on our lives and others’.