developing a loving relationship with money

developing a loving relationship with money

“Any relationship worth having is worth deepening by taking regular, loving actions.” ― Kate Northrup, Money: A Love Story

Managing your money can be a fun and loving process if you choose it to be. In order to get financial freedom, we need to change our relationship with money.

Make handling finances fun and pleasurable. Whenever you sit down for a money management session, light candles and/or play music that pleases you. Grab a hot cup of Chai or cocoa and relax. Make it an act of hygge! As you associate handling money with pleasure and not pain, you start enjoying the process and having fun. You become more cognizant of your irrelevant expenses and stop making stupid choices. You realize that you are in better control of your finances when you change the way you feel about money. It brings a revolution both to your mindset and your account balance.

In essence, it’s all about making choices that serve you well and nurturing a loving relationship with the money that comes into your life.