don't wait! take action right now

don't wait! take action right now

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“There’s a secret you need to know: the world’s happiest and healthiest women [and men] never ‘feel ready’ to make a bold move—they just go… They understand that the key to getting anywhere in life is just getting started… You don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.”

— Marie Forleo

We must let go of perfection, get out of our comfort zone, be brave and take consistent action despite our fears. If you want to win, you need to act before you feel you’re ready. 

Many of us spend countless hours ‘preparing and planning’ and refining our strategy in order to start a new project that we love or making a meaningful switch in our careers. Unfortunately, some of us are so busy with the planning process that we never act. We are so busy architecting our dream business or lifestyle that we don’t even take the first tiny steps to get started.

The most important thing is to start. Start imperfect, start small, but start.  Because when we start, we are no longer on the sidelines, we are part of the game. We’re no longer a spectator, we’re a player in the arena. We are in the company of other action-takers who are embodying their own legends and truths.

With time, as we learn more and start gathering momentum, we’ll able to find ourselves in command and enjoy the flow, both personal and professional, even if we had a rocky start. We may course-correct on the way and get better clarity with time. But without acting, without starting, and without facing our deepest fears, we’ll never know what lies on the other side.