fast action beats perfectionism

fast action beats perfectionism
Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Someone said, “Done fast, even if not perfectly, is better than done perfectly, but much later.” My Aussie friend Willem Flach also operates his business with this philosophy: “Better half done and out the door than perfectly done and in the drawer.”

We all strive for perfection in everything we do. It's natural to want our projects, tasks, and goals to be flawless, shining examples of our abilities. However, in the pursuit of perfection, we often find ourselves procrastinating, spending too much time on fine-tuning, and losing sight of the bigger picture. Today, we will explore the idea that completing a task quickly, even if not perfect, can be more advantageous than endlessly seeking perfection and delaying progress. Let’s discuss some key reasons behind this.

Success demands timely action:
There's an old saying: "Time waits for no one." And indeed, it's true. The world is constantly evolving, and opportunities come and go like the tide. When we act promptly, we seize the moment and gain an edge over those who linger in indecision. In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, the great military strategist, "Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in." By taking action swiftly, we demonstrate decisiveness and determination, propelling us closer to our goals.

Perfectionism leads to paralysis:
Striving for perfection can be a noble endeavor, but it can also be a double-edged sword. Perfectionism can paralyze us with fear of failure or lead to endless revisions, causing us to miss deadlines and lose momentum. It's essential to realize that perfection is subjective and often unattainable. What may be perfect to one person might not be to another. Instead of chasing an illusion, let's embrace the idea of doing our best and continually improving.

Progress is essential:
Done fast doesn't mean done carelessly; it means getting things moving, taking the first step, and making progress. Progress, even in small increments, propels us forward and builds momentum. Each step we take brings us closer to the finish line, and with each step, we gain experience and knowledge. In contrast, waiting for perfection keeps us stagnant, missing out on valuable opportunities for growth.

Imperfections are great teachers:
When we act swiftly, we get the chance to put our ideas and plans into action. Sometimes, things may not go as expected, and that's okay. Mistakes and imperfections are valuable teachers. They provide us with insights and feedback that we wouldn't have gained without taking action. By recognizing and learning from our imperfections, we can refine our approach and make necessary improvements.

Adaptability is a powerful skill:
In a fast-paced world, adaptability is key. When we complete tasks quickly, we remain agile and adaptable to change. We can adjust our strategies, pivot when needed, and stay ahead of the curve. Those who obsess over perfection might find themselves stuck in rigid plans, unable to adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

And so, while perfectionism may seem like the ideal path, it often hinders progress and limits our potential. Success favors the swift.

Remember, nothing is truly perfect, and waiting for perfection can be a major roadblock to success. So, let's take the leap, do our best, and keep moving forward – because engaging in fast, imperfect action always beats getting stuck in perfectionism and doing nothing.