get in sync with the seasons of life

One downside of living a fast-paced, digital lifestyle in the urban setting is that we’ve lost (or mostly diminished) our touch with nature. We hardly appreciate the lessons that Mother Nature provides us every day. And one of those pertains with the seasons that we experience periodically. 

We must embrace our lost analog ways and get in tune with the natural rhythm of life. It’s important that we set priorities wisely and eliminate anything that’s superfluous. 

We must become like the farmer whose priorities change with every new season. This will help us set and stick to the things that matter the most in a given stage of life. 

A farmer knows that his most active time is the spring season. That’s the time to work harder and smarter. To put in as many hours of work as he can, and to keep toiling from dawn to dusk. Keep in mind that the farmer is not working intensely because of compulsion. He is working hard because of intention. And a supreme one, I must say. He knows that he has a small window of time and opportunity to capitalize on, and he is doing all that he can to plant as many crops as he can by maximizing both his labor as well as the use of equipment that he has access to. 

After that, it’s all about maintaining and nourishing the crops, until the harvest season where he needs to put in hard work again. Later, he takes his foot off the gas pedal once the winter comes. He can spend some time in leisure and recreation as there is nothing much to be done to keep him busy and occupied. And then, once the spring comes, the same cycle continues, and this goes on for years and decades for him. A deliberate and conscious life in sync with nature and the seasons of life. Beautiful, isn’t it?

Jim Rohn was well aware of this truth and that’s why he encouraged everyone to learn to use the seasons of life. He knew it was best to stick to the way of nature when it came to succeed in work and in life. Here’s what he advised, “Decide when to pour it on and when to ease back, when to take advantage and when to let things ride. It’s easy to keep going from 9-5 year in and year out and lose a natural sense of priorities and cycles. Don’t let one year blend into another in a seemingly endless parade of tasks and responsibilities. Keep your eye on your own seasons, lest you lose sight of value and substance.”