money doesn’t last, good deeds do

money doesn’t last, good deeds do
Photo by Junior REIS / Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how your epitaph would read after your mortal existence slips into eternal darkness? What would people talk about you? How would they remember you? What anecdotes or stories would come to their mind when your name pops up?

Most of us value material over spiritual, and wealth-building over contribution. However, in the end, you’ll be remembered for your impact, not for your income. You’ll be cherished for the selfless contributions you made at work, at home, and in the community, not for the money you accumulated in your lifetime.

Your wealth might vanish sooner than you think, and even become the cause of disputes and disagreements among your children or heirs. Your good karma and stories of selflessness, however, will become your lasting legacy, remembered long after you’re gone.

Getting rich is not an ignoble pursuit, but losing the human connection and becoming self-centered in the process only brings misery and sadness to your life. In your last moments, it manifests as a heavy burden upon you: the burden of regret that you didn’t focus on performing enough good deeds.

As Robin Sharma points out, “What’s the point of having success but failing at significance? Yes, chase your dreams and rise to lofty heights in the world. But please remember: greatness comes from living for a cause larger than you. And leaving our world better than you found it.”

As you accumulate riches, make good deeds a top priority in your life no matter what. Dedicate a portion of your money and your time to causes that align with you and benefit those less fortunate than you.