how ants prepare for winter

Complacency is one of our biggest enemies on this never-ending path of success and achievement. If we start “chilling” and stay and rest in one place for too long, the weeds of life will start growing back. If we’re not progressing and if we’re not improving, we start falling behind. As Jim Rohn said, “Life doesn’t stand still, and random negativity will start overwhelming the positive arrangements of life if you just let things go. So we’ve all got to have a positive attitude about activity.”

We have to be honest with ourselves and ask ourselves a few deep questions: How am I spending my limited time on this planet? Am I living my life to the best of my ability? Am I giving my best every day? Am I working to my full potential right now?

In order to explain the importance of activity, Jim Rohn encourages us to study ants and their philosophy, which is simple but powerful. It basically comprises of four parts and here’s how it goes:

  1. Ants never quit: When they are going somewhere and you try to stop them by putting a big hurdle in front of them, they go out looking for another way. They climb over, under or go around but never give up.
  2. Ants think winter all summer: This is a crucial perspective. We can’t be naive to think summer will last forever. Ants know better, or maybe they are big Game of Thrones fans and know that “Winter is coming”. So, they gather food for winter in the middle of summer itself. It’s good to be pragmatic. It’s good to think ahead and plan for the future. As the popular adage goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
  3. Ants think summer all winter: This is again important. Ants aren’t limited by inertia and are extremely adaptable. During the wintertime, they constantly remind themselves, “This won’t last long and soon we’ll be out of here.” As soon as the first warm day arrives, the ants are out in the open. If it gets cold again, they go back inside, but once it gets warm, they come out one more time. You simply can’t stop them from getting active.
  4. Ants think “all-you-possibly-can.”: Ants are relentless creatures. If you ask how much will ants gather during the summer to prepare for the winter, the answer would be all they possibly can. Ants don’t operate by the “good enough” philosophy. They don’t have quotas and are not content with a certain amount before heading back to their hole to “chillax”. They are always in the pursuit of absolute abundance. An ant doesn’t stop itself; if it can do more, it always does.