how to practice mantra meditation

how to practice mantra meditation

This practice is an ancient one originating in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. A mantra is a syllable, word, or phrase that is chanted repeatedly while meditating. There is a dual purpose of this practice: repetition of our chosen mantra, i.e. sound, words, or affirmations to raise our vibrations as well as to cultivate mindfulness by using the mantra as an object of our focus.

The first step is choosing a mantra that we find soothing and uplifting. Through the chanting of mantras, we essentially tap into the transformative power of sound. Everything in the Universe is vibrational in nature. Sounds have vibration and so do our thoughts and the cells in our body. The yogis and the mystics figured out that by sustaining a particular vibration of sound for a long period, the nature of our body and mind can be influenced and transformed. We are all aware of how music and songs are not only able to evoke emotions within us and change our moods, but also help us in our healing process. In a similar way, sounds, words, and phrases chanted in rhythms as well as definite speech patterns can have profound effects on our thoughts, emotions, and our physical body. Mantra meditation consolidates these elements with the purpose of cleansing, soothing as well as transforming our body, heart, mind, and soul.

A great advantage of this practice is that by chanting a mantra we are able to override the mental chatter inside us, hence calming our mind and letting go of our thoughts effectively. Through consistent practice, our mantras become like keys or passwords that help us unlock different states of consciousness and hence dial into the best possible mindset for a particular situation or setting. By tuning in to the frequency of a particular mantra, we are able to get in the receiving mode in an easier way and thus improve our lives and our well-being.