how to structure your time better

how to structure your time better

“Intentionality is your secret weapon in your war on mediocrity.”

― Brian P. Moran, The 12 Week Year

Let’s discuss a common workplace scenario. You know you need to start working on that epic presentation for the next meeting. But just as you sit on your desk to get started, you quickly realize that you need to respond to some emails, place some pending orders, make a couple of calls and file a few piled-up invoices. So you roll your sleeves and get these urgent but unimportant tasks done, keeping the presentation work on the back burner. 

But you must keep this in mind: When you defer strategically important tasks in order to accomplish urgent but less important actions, you set yourself up to never deliver to your potential. 

If there’s one key factor that separates outstanding results from average ones, it’s effective time management. And the reason why a majority of the population don’t deliver stunning outcomes is because effectively managing time is tough. According to a 2005 study performed by the research firm Basex, 28 percent of an average worker’s day is spent on pointless intrusions — emails, phone calls, water cooler chats with coworkers — and on recovering from those interruptions. That’s around more than ten hours every single week. 

The key to structuring your time better, i.e. using it intentionally, and staying focused is not about trying to eliminate these unplanned interruptions, but instead becoming proactive and blocking out time in your regular schedule and dedicating it to strategically important tasks. This is called Performance Time and it’s an easy-to-use system that allows you to regain control over your day and optimize your effectiveness.