it's time to begin anew

As the New Year stands before us, now is a great time to allow ourselves to begin anew. It’s an opportunity to write a new chapter in our lives and we can start writing our story by clarifying our intentions and setting new goals for ourselves. 

Beginnings always come with uncertainty and fear. Nonetheless, they also come with hope and opportunity. Beginnings play a vital role in our lives because they bring with them the promise of charting new territories, meeting new people, learning new lessons and remembering, practicing and appreciating the old ones. They bring with them a new adventure to know more about life and ourselves, and to participate in our own elevation and expansion, both in the human state as well as spiritually.

Don’t let the negativity of the past cling to you. Don’t let your previous experiences and setbacks anchor you down and fade your enthusiasm and excitement for beginnings. All problems and troubles are ephemeral. Just because things didn’t go your way doesn’t mean it will always be that difficult for you. Don’t let your past roadblocks, rejections and heartbreaks close you off to the magic of life within you and around you. Open yourself to the opportunities that the Universe holds for you. We all go through phases of ‘divine discomfort’, but life is much more than that. 

Rise again and let yourself begin anew. A new adventure awaits you. Take the important lessons from the past, and conjure up in yourself curiosity with regard to the new lessons that are about to be learned. Invite yourself to become a better, wiser and more humble version of yourself. Let go of the people and things that you’re leaving behind, and say your goodbyes to them. 

Remember, all parts of your journey are sacred and have a divine purpose behind them. Accept and expect the magic that is about to come into your life as it progresses. 

Take a few moments to honor the new journey and its beginning, and embark on it with hope, positivity and goodness within you.