just take it one day at a time

So many of us would have started building important key behaviors and positive habits in our daily schedules to advance forward to our big goals and become better in different areas of life as this year began. And then, out of nowhere, the coronavirus crisis happened. Our pursuits got negatively affected, our patterns got disrupted and our resolve got shattered. 

I’m sure you have realized by now that self-improvement is hardly a linear path. It comes with its own ups and downs. Yes, we might have fallen off the wagon not once but several times, and not been as consistent as we’d like to be. And that’s why, the most important thing that we can do for our individual selves is to give ourselves enough grace to dust off and get back up after falling off again and again. 

A new day is a new opportunity to begin again, no matter how many days in our past we would have fallen and lost. It’s normal and human to slip back to our previous patterns, but as Robin Sharma says, each day is simply about fighting the disruptive currents and getting back on track.

You can’t do anything about what happened yesterday and tomorrow has not arrived yet. All you have is today, so make it the day when you start advancing forward in the right direction. Focus on making better choices today, focus on starting a new streak today, focus on taking the right actions today. 

Don’t think about your past mistakes or how difficult things might get in the future, just take it one day at a time and be and do your best today, period.

These are strange and surreal times, and we are all trying to adapt to the new normal. So, be easy on yourself if you went back to your previous toxic coping mechanisms and bad habits or made a few mistakes in order to adjust to the new way of living, and just focus on looking forward and rising above this adversity. 

You are amazing and you have it within you to win this war. Focus on making good decisions and walking on the path of virtue and righteousness today, and as you keep on doing that day by day, you’ll create a bright and opportune future for yourself.