let life flow through you

let life flow through you

I had a friend a few years back who worked in a yoga studio that I used to visit often. Just talking to her, even for a couple of minutes, made me instantly relaxed. And this happened every single time! It’s still a mystery to me how she did it, but it has been a constant goal for me to be like her when I speak to others. To be relaxed and laidback so that others I’m interacting with feel relaxed and open as well.

It’s good to continually monitor your emotional state and ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?” You want to inch towards relaxation as much as possible, and to be feeling life flowing through you like a river in constant flux, rather than building tension in yourself and tightly holding on to life. The way you feel will help you know if you are relaxed and flowing or if you are stressed and holding tension within you. Now when I look back, I can say that my friend had either mastered or made significant progress in the art of staying relaxed and open so that life could easily flow through her on all kinds of occasions.

One great way to release any negativity or tension from your system is to commit to giving the very best of yourself to everything and everyone, no matter what. As you let go of all inhibitions and give the best of yourself, you invite the flow of the Divine energy to move through you. Soon, all stress and anxiety dissolve and you naturally start to feel amazing!