lightning speed

Some of us take a great amount of time in making decisions and taking the required actions. I am definitely one of them. We want to collect all the data that we can in order to make accurate decisions. This may be the fear of failure or fear of missing out, ingrained in our subconscious mind,  acting out.

But this behavior backfires on us when we overanalyze, overthink and end up doing nothing. Indecision and procrastination are thieves that stop us from moving forward.

When it comes to making a decision, we need to act fast and do all the necessary actions in a lightning speed. If we defer any action, it’ll always be there weighing on our mind.

Some of us associate quick and hasty decisions and actions with recklessness and poor thinking. But we need to change our perception towards this notion. Sure, there are some major decisions that may take some time to process but we need to always incline towards getting things done.

Not all decisions and actions have serious long-lasting consequences in our life. We sometimes end up mulling too much on insignificant decisions, and end up unnecessarily wasting our time on them. We can always automate certain decisions and redirect our energy and attention towards important ones.

Every time we delay a decision or action, it weighs on our consciousness and ends up taking space in our brain attics. We become like a rock climber who keeps adding rocks in his backpack, making it difficult for him to climb up and progress ahead.

Every decision or action, whether micro or macro, when not done adds up to the pile on our mind desk. It slows us down. To keep moving forward, we need to train ourselves to operate at a lightning speed.

We need to let go of our doubts and fears, because the truth is that unless we act, we never know what lies on the other side. And as we gather experiences, we also add better insights to our wisdom tank, that help us take better actions and decisions in the future.

We all fall into the traps of indecision and procrastination, and I’m no exception,  but we can strive to bring lightning speed in our everyday life.

This may go against the grain and may seem like a bizarre behavior and shock or surprise others as they may not be used to such quick turnovers. But it also builds credibility and fuels other people’s confidence in us.

Lightning speed doesn’t mean we become careless and less quality-driven, it simply means that we merge swiftness with excellence and become more action oriented without losing our airtime. In this way, we are able to conserve our mental bandwidth and not only do more but also get in constant touch with the happiness and joy within, without any stress or gnawing tasks eating up our inner peace and tranquility.