meditate on the green

At the end of my morning routine every day, I step outside my apartment and bring my attention towards the plants and trees around me. I meditate on the green.

It helps me appreciate and experience nature for a few moments. It’s a calming experience, a reminder to take it easy and go slow.

Nature produces beautiful creations at its own pace; it enjoys the juiciness of the process, and so can we. It reminds us of the life inside and around us. It teaches us that it’s all about slowing down and making a little progress every day. We all change a bit every day, that’s a constant process; we all grow every day, that’s a constant process.

Nature reminds us that we all change but we also remain constant at the same time.

We just need to soak ourselves in the goodness of sunlight and nurture ourselves.

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, just step outside your box and meditate on the green. Nature will remind you that life is simple. The only way it gets complicated is when we get on its way.

Let things unfold. Go slow, grow slow. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Life is progress and progress is life. The green around us reminds us that nature is around us and nature is within us.

Calm down, relax and get in touch with the peace and tranquility within you because in the end that is what matters the most.