money makes the world go round

money makes the world go round
Photo by Blake Wisz / Unsplash
“The Jewish believe money is an entity that strengthens the bond between people. It symbolizes trust when it flows from one person to another during a transaction. Money is something that needs to keep moving between people and is not to be hidden. The more active your money is, the more prosperity you will have.”

Daily Wealth

Many people think money is just about getting rich and buying lots of fancy things. But in the Jewish tradition, money has a much deeper meaning. It's not something to hoard away — money is meant to keep moving and flowing between people. 

You see, when you pay someone for a service or a product, you aren't just handing over cash. You're showing your trust in that person. By giving them your money, you're saying "I value what you did for me." And when they accept your payment, they're trusting that you earned that money through honest hard work.

Money represents the bonds between people in a community. It allows us to help each other out and work as a team, with everyone playing their part. The baker provides bread, the teacher provides lessons, the plumber provides pipe fixes — and money is what ties all those services together into a well-running society.

That's why keeping money moving is so important in Jewish thinking. If you just hid it away and never spent or invested it, those bonds would weaken. But when money continues cycling from person to person through transactions large and small, it strengthens the trusting relationships that are so vital.

The more active your money is — being earned, traded, donated, and reinvested — the more prosperous your community becomes, both financially and socially. Those strong money ties lead to more opportunities to work together and more comfort in knowing you can rely on your neighbors when needed.

So don't think of money just as some lifeless object to be squirreled away. View it as a living force that strengthens us when it's put into motion binding people together through the giving and receiving that makes communities thrive.

“Money is the consequence of doing the right things.”

— Rabbi Daniel Lapin