pointless tinkering

We pour our genius and excellence into our creations, but when we reach towards completion, a majority of us get seduced by perfection.

Our pursuit for perfection unfortunately gets us in the trail of incessant tinkering. We start focusing on minor things while the major thing is ready to be delivered. Packaging matters but we don’t have to get obsessed with every little detail and every tiny imperfection.

Do your work but don’t get caught up in the tinkering spiral. After a while, you’re not contributing any more to the creation. You’re just doing it to feel better.

Too much overanalysis robs us of the joy of completing the process of creation. After a certain point, we engage in tinkering only to please ourselves.

Tinkering lacks impact. There is no point in magnifying errors and imperfections unnecessarily as we wrap up.  

Let it go and focus on progress, not perfection. Do your best for now, because tinkering will never end.

Once your creation is ready, focus on delivering it to the people that are counting on you, and then wait patiently for what they have to say. Because in the end it’s their opinions and needs that matter the most.