pressing the reset button

pressing the reset button

The new year has started, and we have one more chance to start things fresh. A brand-new blank slate. The whiteboard is in front of us and we have the markers in our hands.

It is time to lay the foundation. Now is the time to set goals and become an architect of your future. The Reset button has been pressed and now we have a chance to redeem the power within us, and go for accomplishing our goals with full force.

It is crucial that we create a head start to this year by setting incredible goals for the next 90 days.

Write down your goals for this year as well as what you plan to accomplish in the next 90 days.

Make sure your goals are SMART i.e. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.

Based on our final goals, now is the time that we distill down what actions we need to take and what efforts we need to put in every single day in order to reach our destination.

Now is a great time to focus on raising your standards, setting up lofty goals and at the same time lowering your expectations. Now is the time to make a commitment to work on all the things that we have control over and do our best job and let go of the external circumstances and events that we can’t control. When things don’t work out, we need to surrender and trust the divine plan.

As we embraced detachment and let go of all the fear, negativity, toxicity and the superfluous excess along with the passing of the previous year, it is time to make a renewed commitment to focus on the essential.

You are the author of your fortune, the designer of your life and the captain of your soul. There is no better time than now to change your direction and lead your course.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”

— Henry David Thoreau

It is time to tap into your personal power and make every single day count. It is time to let go of the mediocrity of the herd and tread your own path. It is time to start marching ahead with fortitude, fearlessness, courage, and bravery. It is time to choose power over victimhood, growth over comfort, grinding over complacency and strengths over weaknesses.

In the midst of goal-setting, it is also wise to remind ourselves as we start the new year the simple truth that success is a journey, not a destination. As the famous adage goes: “Success is never owned; it is only rented – and the rent is due every day.”

Enjoy the ride, focus on your actions and let go of the outcomes.