progress is the name of the game

progress is the name of the game
Photo by Jukan Tateisi / Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack who loved to draw. He dreamed of becoming an artist someday, but he didn't believe he was good enough.

One day, Jack's art teacher noticed his talent and encouraged him to keep practicing every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. She opened his drawing book and wrote these words on the first page: “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”

Jack took her advice to heart and started drawing every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. At first, he didn't notice much improvement, but after a few weeks, he began to see a difference. His lines were straighter, his colors were brighter, and his sketches had more depth.

As time went on, Jack's art continued to improve. His classmates and teachers began to take notice, and eventually, he was selected to participate in a local art show.

On the day of the show, Jack was nervous but excited. He had worked hard, and he was proud of what he had accomplished. When the judges announced the winners, Jack couldn't believe his ears. He had won first place!

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Jack thanked his art teacher for encouraging him to pursue his dream. She smiled and reminded him, “Never forget Jack, progress is the name of the game. Tiny steps taken consistently over time lead to remarkable results. Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”

From that day on, Jack never forgot the lesson he had learned. He continued to draw every day, and as he grew older, he became a successful artist. And whenever he felt discouraged or overwhelmed, he took out his first drawing book that he had treasured through all the years and read the magic words that had inspired him to follow his dreams: “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”