say no to news

say no to news

It’s important that we limit our intake of news and irrelevant information. We don’t need notifications from The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal to keep popping up again and again on our phones and computers. We can let go of our compulsive need to check on sports and stock market updates or keep a tab on the current gossip or news related to celebrities and upcoming movies.

It’s best to let go of your daily habit of reading newspapers or consuming news when you’re on the go. The more news you consume, the more disturbed and distorted your view of this world becomes. 

These days, we have different avenues to receive news; you don’t have to go out of your way to consume it. If there’s something worthwhile, it’ll come to you. If you still want to consume news because you want to know what’s happening around you in your local area and in the world, then consume it intentionally. 

Spend 10-15 minutes every day just to stay updated on the local and international news through your favorite app, radio/television program or news aggregator online and that’s it. There’s no need to dig deeper and overconsume as you’ll be wasting your time and attention on irrelevant subjects.

PS: If you enjoyed reading this passage, you’ll love my book The Way of the Karma Yogi. This book is a distillation of the fundamental success principles that will guide you to live a meaningful and fulfilled life with respect to work, relationships, and beyond. This easy-to-use, step-by-step guide allows you to bring consistency in your actions and inspires you to progress forward leaving mediocrity behind.