setting intentions for the new year (part 2)

setting intentions for the new year (part 2)

It’s time to ponder the road ahead and put some plans into action. Here are three simple questions to help you get crystal clear about your intentions.

1. What activities do I want to indulge in more?

Your days weave the fabric of your life. So, it's crucial to ensure that you're investing your time in the right pursuits. Reflect on the past twelve months. Have you engaged in activities that brought you joy? Did you carve out moments for yourself? Have you had a blast? Did you truly do what you wanted to do? Answering these questions will guide you towards what you want to amplify in the next 12 months.

2. What activities do I want to minimize?

In the past year, what irked you, drained your energy, or felt like a pointless endeavor? How can you trim down the time spent on these activities in the next twelve months? Consider making them more enjoyable or finding ways to expedite them.

3. How do I want to experience emotions?

It may seem like a straightforward question, but it's often overlooked. We humans are creatures driven by emotions, deeply influenced by them. Emotions impact our mind, body, and soul. Take a moment to ponder how you want to feel in the upcoming year. Be specific. Picture the sensation of your desired emotion right now.

If you aim to feel happy, is it through more laughter and smiles, or a serene sense of contentment? Seeking relaxation? Does it involve physical ease or mental stability, or perhaps a mix of both? Aspiring to feel inspired? Is it about being driven and motivated, or filled with energy and focus? Whatever it is, declare your intention for it right here, right now. Setting this intention will help you recognize opportunities that align with your desired emotions.

Let your incredible vision remind you every day where you’re going and what you want to accomplish, and let your remarkable intentions help you write the story that you truly desire to live.

Did You Know?

Captious comes from Latin captio, which refers to a deception or verbal quibble. Arguments labeled captious are likely to “capture” a person; they often entrap through subtly deceptive reasoning or trifling points. A captious individual is one who might also be dubbed “hypercritical,” the sort of carping, censorious critic only too ready to point out minor faults and raise objections on trivial grounds.