success comes in unlimited supply

success comes in unlimited supply

Many people think success and prosperity is a zero-sum game. They think of success as being in a limited supply, and hence believe that someone else’s success somehow limits theirs. They perceive success as a rare commodity and feel that someone else’s achievement restricts their ability to succeed and prosper. This is a flawed mindset — success is neither a commodity nor is it reserved for the lucky few. 

Successful people develop an abundant mindset and firmly believe that success is not something to be acquired or conquered, it’s something you create. The ingredients of success — burning desire, specialized knowledge, innovative ideas, creativity, talent, intelligence, self-confidence, and persistence — are available in unlimited amounts to each and every one of us. No one is cut from a different cloth; we can all create as much success as we want and are capable of. 

A few great examples that we can look up to are Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk. Their incredible success is neither limited by someone else’s ideas nor does it restrict or hinder someone else’s ability to be successful and prosperous. On the contrary, their success is actually helping others create better lives for themselves. 

Success is infinite; it’s available in unlimited supply to each and every one of us. So, rather than getting envious or condemning other people’s success, a much better approach is to let it inspire and motivate you to let go of your limiting beliefs and create extraordinary success for yourself.