the three principles of simple productivity

Most of us equate productivity with being busy. We try running around getting things done, but we hardly take a pause to simplify things and personalize our productivity so that we not only work better but also live fully in our daily life. 

Carson Tate, productivity expert and author of Work Simply, is a firm believer in the notion that work is an expression of who we are. She explains that the key to productivity is “learning to anchor on the possibility of this moment at the forefront of your mind.” Tate suggests that if we want to succeed in today’s results-driven fast-paced world, then we must simplify our professional lives and work smarter, not harder. We must, first and foremost, look deeper into our lives to discover the meaning that drives us.

At one point in her life, Tate found herself completely overworked and burned out, and that’s when she decided to change her ways. She tweaked her approach towards productivity and created her working simply mantra grounded on three core principles: “Working simply means unlocking your possibility, potential and purpose so that your work is a full-bodied reflection of your most authentic self.”

Here’s what those three principles stand for:

  • Possibility: When we get overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines, it gets difficult to focus on anything beyond the next email, meeting or event. We fail to see the possibilities that lie in our future, and as a result, we distance ourselves from our drive to create, innovate and explore. This is why we must anchor ourselves into possibility first.
  • Potential: Instead of paying attention to our weaknesses and shortcomings, we must direct our focus on our strengths and play by them. We all have our own unique zone of genius, and it’s important we operate in that particular area to maximize our true potential.
  • Purpose: Without a solid why, it’s impossible to survive and thrive in the modern world. Purpose is akin to a compass that guides us and takes us in the right direction. It brings intentionality and meaning in our lives and propels us to unlock greater possibilities that the future holds for us.