the world needs more love

the world needs more love

“All you need is love.”

― The Beatles

Today is Valentine’s Day, the day when love is in the air. And considering all the events that have recently happened all across the globe, it’s fair to come to this one conclusion: The world is in dire need of more love

We’re all in desperate need of more love. And I’m not only talking about romantic love and intimacy, but love in a grander sense. A bigger love that encompasses love for ourselves, love for our fellow humans and love for this wonderful world that we live in. 

Loving ourselves is paramount, because it helps us develop an unshakeable confidence in ourselves and cultivate a greater sense of self-worth. We become secure and trust our ability to achieve whatever goals we set for ourselves. And here’s the best part: The more we focus on becoming better and loving ourselves, the more hopeful and optimistic we become about our future. 

Also, having a greater love for others is key to living a happy and fulfilled life. As we open our hearts to love, and start going with its flow, we become better versions of ourselves. It becomes easier to appreciate others for who they are and connect with them on a deeper level. 

Now, you might argue that not all people are cut from the same cloth. That there are many people out there who can be described with these epithets that Marcus Aurelius used in his journal: Meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. However, at the end of the day, we all belong to the same human family. The Stoics believed that “we are all part of the one whole.” The ancient Hindu texts too advise us to inculcate the notion that “the world is one family.”

Rabbi Hillel was once asked to explain the Torah. He replied, “Love thy neighbor as thyself, all the rest is commentary.” Sufi poet Rumi wrote, “Love is the whole thing. We are only pieces.”

Nothing can be more important in the world for us right now than embodying these truths. This is what we need in these times of global health crisis, economic turmoil, and social and political unrest. Show up and do the right thing, because you love yourself and you love your fellow humans. 

If people say or do something that offends or hurts you, don’t lash out in anger or hate, or hold any grudges and resentments against them. No, you’re better than that. Instead of getting in the downward negative spiral, approach them with kindness and compassion and seek to understand where they’re coming from. As Seneca said, “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.”

It’s crucial that we develop the habit of putting ourselves in other people’s shoes. In fact, it’s an essential virtue that we all need in order to unite — to come together in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation. To coexist with peace and harmony, and to work together to make this world a better place to live in.

So, in honor of Valentine’s day, let’s work towards becoming a love maker. Let’s cultivate more love both for ourselves and others. 

J.K. Rowling wrote, “Love is the strongest power there is.” The more love we nurture within ourselves, the more we feel good about ourselves and the world around us, and the easier it gets to find hope, faith and optimism that we need to create a magnificent future for ourselves.