why you must cultivate a practice of mindfulness

why you must cultivate a practice of mindfulness

In this world of distractions and noise everywhere around us, we all need to develop a practice of mindfulness in order to lead a happy and fulfilling life. We have to be mindful of our thoughts, our actions, and the words that we speak.

We are in the prime of our mental fitness when we are calm and mindful. Meditation is a life-changing habit to cultivate and to be practiced daily as it brings more awareness in our life. 

Often, our mind is so used to distractions in the outside world that the mental clutter and our emotions and thoughts are not paid attention to. When we sit quietly for a brief time, we become cognizant of our inner world and what thoughts are swirling inside our mind. 

A practice of meditation will help you develop self-control, and be instrumental in controlling your emotions and thoughts. It will help you get in touch with your Inner Being and the Infinite Intelligence that is present in all of us.

PS: My eBook The Way of The Karma Yogi is now available on Amazon for only $2.99 in the US and Canada and for £2.99 in the UK. This is a limited time offer and the lowest price you’ll ever get, so I’ll encourage you to get your copy today! You can also send a copy to a friend or a loved one as a New Year gift to help them learn the fundamentals of self-mastery and living an extraordinary life and have a great start for the year ahead.