why you must learn the art of saying no (5/5)

why you must learn the art of saying no (5/5)

Key Takeaway #3: Why You Must Learn the Art of Saying No

If there’s one useful skill that we all need to master for better productivity and performance, it’s the art of saying no, and also being comfortable when others say no to us. 

It’s wise to set boundaries for yourself. There’s no point in becoming a people pleaser and putting too much on your already full plate in order to be on the good side of others. When you have strong boundaries for yourself, you communicate to others that you’re in tune with your most important priorities and that your time is important. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you become rigid and you never do anything for anyone else; rather it means that you help and assist others because you genuinely want to, not because you feel obligated or pressured or fearful of hurting other people’s sentiments. 

On the flip side, you must also train yourself to listen to nos. Like failures, rejections play a key role in our lives. And as paradoxical as it may sound, some rejections are actually blessings in disguise. Take a pause and reflect on your past rejections. I’m sure you’ll find the truth in this. Also, think about your friends and people with whom you associate with closely. Who will you respect more: your friend who always says yes to you in order to not offend you even if their calendar is already filled up, or the friend who is always honest with you and politely rejects your request when it’s not possible for them?