why you must strive for big and audacious goals

why you must strive for big and audacious goals

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”

— Michelangelo

It’s true that we’ve all had a crazy and challenging 2020. Both our personal and professional lives have been severely affected, and the fear and uncertainty is still palpable in the air. 

While we’re not sure how things will turn out next year, and while it’s safe to assume that we might expect more chaos, disturbance and disruption in the coming months, we must resolve to not get victimized by the difficult circumstances that we find ourselves in and not let them deter us from setting new and mighty goals in 2021. 

Do you have a dream project that you really want to start working on? Or maybe an idea for a product or service that can greatly benefit people all over the world right now? There’s no need to hold yourself back; start working on them right now.

Don’t wait for the pandemic to get over and for the chaos to subside. Plan and execute your big move today. You must focus on becoming a braveheart and set up lofty goals for yourself. You must take the big swing and not worry whether you’ll hit the perfect shot or not. 

Your mighty goals will propel you to take relevant actions consistently, and even if you don’t accomplish them by the end of next year, at least you’ll make significant progress in the direction you want to go in. As the popular adage goes, “Aim for the stars, you might just land on the moon.” You see, there’s absolutely no downside!

Clear-cut big goals with a strong Why behind them generate long-lasting intrinsic motivation and bring us a sense of purpose and direction. And when we give our best and keep moving forward towards them day in and day out, we end up experiencing happiness and satisfaction. As Caroline Adams Miller and Dr. Michael B. Frisch write in their book Creating Your Best Life, “When we make progress toward satisfying our most cherished needs, goals, and wishes in the 16 areas of life that contribute to contentment, we create well-being. Our research also shows that when we make progress toward attaining goals in one area of life, we raise our overall life satisfaction in other areas because of the potent ‘spillover’ effect.”

Detach from what’s going in the world and set big, hairy and audacious goals for yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you get your desired outcomes or not, what’s more important is that you take the big swing and push yourself out of your comfort zone.