without purpose, there’s no passion

without purpose, there’s no passion

“Nothing in life is more liberating than to fight for a cause larger than yourself, something that encompasses you but is not defined by your existence alone.” — John McCain

Nothing in this world can motivate a person more than a noble purpose. If you want to develop an insane passion within yourself, then purpose for sure is the secret sauce.

When you get aligned with a higher purpose of some kind, you liberate the divinity with you. You unlock your inner reserves and the seeds of energy, passion, and vitality start sprouting within you. Once you find your true calling and start embracing your Personal Legend, you start generating extraordinary levels of passion and enthusiasm in your life. You are upbeat and excited, and always curious about what lies in store for you in this epic journey that you’ve chosen for yourself. 

“I believe every one of us is born with a purpose. No matter who you are, what you do, or how far you think you have to go, you have been tapped by a force greater than yourself to step into your God-given calling.” — Oprah Winfrey

Did You Know?

The spelling of sully has shifted several times since it was sylian in Old English, but its meaning has remained essentially the same: “to soil.” In case you are wondering whether sullen (meaning “gloomy or morose”) is a relative, the answer is “no.” Sullen comes from Latin solus, meaning “alone.”