you attract what you focus on

you attract what you focus on

Whatever you strongly focus on is what you’ll end up attracting. This is a law.

Many people work tirelessly to attract more money in their bank accounts. They earn some money, and then they lose it all. This is because their focus is on earning money. Instead, it’s much better to make their perfect bank account balance their focus.

The same applies to maintaining a healthy weight, developing a thriving business, attracting a romantic partner, buying a beautiful house, and other meaningful goals that we all pursue. We attain some success, and then soon we’re back to ground zero.

Your primary focus should always be on the final destination — the perfect weight, the perfect business, the perfect partner, and the perfect house — and let the law do the magic. Put in the necessary work, do meaningful actions every day, but also make sure that you always sustain your focus on the exact goal you want to achieve.