you must demonstrate honesty and integrity

you must demonstrate honesty and integrity

“There are no moral shortcuts in the game of business — or life. There are, basically, three kinds of people: the unsuccessful, the temporarily successful, and those who become and remain successful. The difference is character.”

— Jon Huntsman, Sr., Winners Never Cheat

“Integrity means doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. And that’s what makes success.”

— Brian Tracy

Unfortunately, the drive to become honest and authentic has diminished in the modern world. And this is the exact reason why being real, vulnerable, and taking extreme ownership for our mistakes has become such an invaluable and admirable trait. It not only fosters important relationships in your life, but it also gets you higher on the financial ladder. In simple words, honesty and authenticity beget wealth and success.

Prosperous people are always honest. They are exceptional leaders who firmly believe in embodying vulnerability and authenticity, no matter what circumstances they’re put into. 

In addition, you must always be true to yourself. You must match your beliefs with your behaviors. When you develop integrity, your thoughts, words, and actions are in perfect alignment. You must be willing to accept and tell the truth even if the truth is ugly. It’s better to be honest than to delude others and yourself. 

Both honesty and integrity are key ingredients to living a rich life. They empower you to do and have the right things, which causes you to prosper and attain financial success in the long term.