you must honor and celebrate your loved ones

you must honor and celebrate your loved ones
Photo by Spencer Davis / Unsplash

Since this is Thanksgiving weekend in the US, and many people would be celebrating the occasion with their families, I wanted to share a traditional story that I read a couple of days back.

There once was a man, who was raising his young son. The mother had passed away in childbirth and he was teaching his son all that he knew. This son, grew up and in time wanted to go to a nearby village and find him a companion. Many months passed and the young man returned to his home, and with him he had a woman, his wife. They lived in the home of his father.

Shortly after, they had a son. And the father, now a grandfather, began teaching this young boy all that he knew: how to respect the forest, the animals and life. The mother, tiring of sharing her home with the old man, told her husband that she wanted the old man out.

The father spoke “I cannot; this is his home and he built it for us.” She spoke, “If you do not make him leave then I will take our son and I will leave.” The father agreed and spoke to his son. “My son, tomorrow I want you to take Grandpa out and leave him. Give him this blanket.” The young boy cried. “Why do you do this?

Grandpa has been teaching me all that I know. Why do I have to do this to him?” The father spoke. “Son, follow the wishes of your father.” So the next morning, the father went hunting to the North. The son took Grandpa as far as he could walk to the South.

That evening the young boy was sitting on the bed crying when his father came In. He saw the blanket on the bed. “Son, I thought I told you to give Grandpa the blanket?” “I gave Grandpa half of the blanket. The other half, I will give to you some day.” The mother and father understood the message. And they went and brought Grandpa back.

Family is family. And each member of your family is special and worth having and celebrating. After all, you share the same DNA — they are your own!

Each of us is unique, and we must never think less of anyone, no matter their age, education, vocation, or the life choices they make. This holds true, especially for our near and dear ones. You must cherish the people close to you under all situations and circumstances.

It’s wise to let go of our concerns, apprehensions, worries, resentments, opinions, and judgments, and cultivate acceptance and gratitude toward each of our family members. Is this going to be easy and stress-free? Of course not. But it’s absolutely worth it! Because the more you give your love, respect, support, and appreciation to your loved ones, the more you bring happiness, contentment, peace, and joy into your life as well.