your everyday acts create your legacy

When we think of leaving a lasting legacy, we think we need to do some monumental work in our lives in order to make a global impact. We think we need to make a big mark on this planet and on the hearts and minds of people so that they remember us when we’re gone.

This is true to some extent. But equally true is the fact that our everyday actions, words and behaviors also contribute significantly towards how we shape our legacy. Like other things, the Compound Effect works here too.

Here’s an excerpt from my new book The Way of the Karma Yogi that explains this notion well:

“Legacy is not about creating an empire or having a building or street named after you, but it’s about making other people’s lives better. It’s not exclusively about accomplishing monumental achievements, it can also be about winning hearts through our small gestures in everyday life. The random acts of kindness, the way we meet and greet people, the way we express our love and warmth, the smiles, the hugs and kisses — they all form a part of our legacy. When we bring moments of happiness, success, connection, laughter and togetherness in our lives and others’, we carve an enduring legacy in the hearts and minds of people that we come across.”

It’s our tiny everyday gestures that make other people remember us. The way we show up every single day counts towards our legacy. And that’s why it’s so important that we bring consciousness and awareness in our daily life.

As we get better every day, we also leave a better legacy. As we embrace our truth, uniqueness, and humanness and let go of the negativity , toxicity and the trivial things that bother us and keep us stuck in the downward spiral, we not only live a meaningful and impactful life, we also create a meaningful and impactful legacy.