all prayers are potent and acceptable

all prayers are potent and acceptable

Prayers come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it be asking for blessings for ourselves or our near and dear ones, expressing gratitude for help, gifts and good things received, asking for guidance, or seeking forgiveness for any misdeeds, most religions and spiritual traditions provide formal prayers, guidelines, and even rituals and mantras (or specific maxims) for praying. 

Along with that, each of us who pray has our own unique way of praying, something that works best for us in our everyday fast-paced life. Some pray on their knees by their bed first thing in the morning, some pray in the shower or before leaving their home for work, while some like to pray in a group setting. Some visit temples, mosques, churches, synagogues, or their preferred holy institutions, some just close their eyes wherever they are, and some even consider thought or silent meditation with no words spoken a form of prayer. Some read a daily devotional book with passages of God’s glory, some write letters to Him in a dedicated journal. Some people recite long prayers in the morning, while some rely on short conversations with God throughout the day. Some involve physical gestures, some talk aloud, while some just bow their heads and quietly think a prayer. 

It doesn’t matter how or where we pray. All kinds of prayers are potent, effective, and acceptable. The most important thing is to pray every single day and connect with the Divine Lord. 

Action: Pray in the way that works for you and make it a regular part of your routine.