how to practice visualization meditation

how to practice visualization meditation

Visualization is a powerful tool to elevate our vibrations and well-being. While we can visualize our desired future to accelerate our success, we can also use visualization to deepen our enjoyment of the present moment. As compared to other techniques of meditation that are passive in nature, visualization meditation can be considered an active form of meditation. 

There are a few visualization exercises that when practiced can really help you reduce your worries and anxieties and become a kind and compassionate person. Here are some common visualization meditations that you can practice on a daily basis.

  • Loving-kindness meditation: This is one of the most popular and easily accessible visualization meditations. This meditation involves phrases, imagery, and attention to feeling to activate our innate qualities of friendliness and compassion that lie dormant within us. It’s about finding the love within us and expanding it outwards, thus opening our hearts and overcoming any barriers and biases that we may be experiencing.
  • Liquid sunlight: In this practice, we visualize that liquid sunlight — warm and golden in nature — pours from the top of our head and fills up our entire body dissolving any tensions and discomfort inside us, eventually overflowing from our body. In the end, we feel light, expansive, and relaxed, grounding us back to our internal calm state. This can also be done for 10-30 seconds, multiple times a day, to let go of tensions that we accrue during the course of the day.
  • Expanding sun: This meditation starts with visualizing a speck of light inside us and as we continue with our session, it keeps expanding within us, eventually spreading beyond our body, across our neighborhood, country, continent, and all over the world. In this way, we tap into the Source within us and nurture well-being, love, and happiness, not only for ourselves but for all the people around us.