meditation for beginners (1/2)

meditation for beginners (1/2)

If you are new to meditation, here are some useful tips that will help you get started in your meditation practice.

  • Start small: As you begin the practice of meditating, start with meditating for 1 to 2 minutes a day. Once you find that easy, try meditating for 5 minutes. As you find that comfortable, gradually extend the meditation time to 10 minutes and beyond that. In the beginning, the most important thing is to cultivate a habit rather than the actual time you spend meditating. As the momentum gathers, the benefits of meditation will add up. Even meditation for a few minutes every day will go a long way.
  • Do it first thing in the morning: Meditating after you wake up in the morning is one of the best habits to cultivate. Not only it sets you up for the entire day, but it also helps you tap into your intuition and Inner Being easily and effortlessly. Later during the day, developing a consistent meditation practice may become challenging due to the volatility of our schedules, as well as it may take a while to get into a deeper state of detachment and relaxation. Morning time, hands down, is the best time to meditate without any disturbances or distractions and we can reap the maximum benefits out of our practice during those times. We are able to start our days on the right foot and embrace a calm demeanor for the entire course of the day.