meditation for beginners (2/2)

meditation for beginners (2/2)
  • Let go of expectations: We are all conditioned these days to get instant benefits and rewards. But if we keep the same approach for meditation, we will be hugely disappointed. Not all meditation sessions will be the same, whether you are a beginner or someone who has been meditating for a long time. Meditating is simply sitting in silence and watching your thoughts. It’s not a one-stop remedy for the woes and challenges that we face. It’s a medium to get in tune with our thoughts. Some sessions will be great and we’ll be able to detach and relax completely, while we may struggle and get caught up in our thoughts during some. The best approach is to understand the nature of our minds and participate in a consistent practice without thinking about outcomes.
  • Do it daily: There is nothing as powerful and self-transforming as a daily practice of meditation. When we meditate every day, not only do we become more aware and are able to enjoy the present moments, but we also experience many mental and physical benefits. When we sit for a few minutes every day, we are able to tap into and experience our inner calmness and tranquility that we may not get access to otherwise. A daily meditation practice keeps us grounded and anchored to consistent well-being, which we strongly need in these chaotic modern times.

In the initial stages, you can listen to guided meditations. They are like training wheels that will help you in practicing meditation and making it a daily habit. There are some great apps like Headspace, Calm, 10% Happier, Simple Habit, and Insight Timer that can get you started on this journey.

With the practice of meditation, it’s best to understand the simple truth that we will always remain a beginner no matter how many hours or days of meditating we accrue during our lifetime. Every session is a blank slate when it comes to our minds. We can never become an expert in meditation and we can never do it wrong. Think of meditation as an experience, not a skill that you need to master. It’s all about relaxing and noticing your thoughts, nothing more than that.