restoring the magic in our lives

restoring the magic in our lives

When we are little, every day is a new adventure — a miracle in its own right. Our curiosity and our quest to find happiness in little, ordinary things energize us round the clock.

However, as we grow up, we get so tangled up with our goals, deadlines, desires, and dreams that we feel life has lost all its luster — the magic, the juice, the zest, the verve, whatever you call it, has just evaporated.

But life never loses its wonder and awe. We do. We stop looking for the everyday miracles around us. We refrain from finding joy in the ordinary.

If we want to restore the effervescence and exuberance in ourselves and our lives, we must embrace the child within us and open our minds and hearts a little. Only then, we’ll see how magical and captivating the world can truly be.