with god, all things are possible: a spark to ignite your life

with god, all things are possible: a spark to ignite your life
Photo by Damian Markutt / Unsplash

Sometimes life can feel impossible. We set goals, dream dreams, but obstacles arise. Financial struggles, health issues, strained relationships - so many challenges block our path. We try to muscle through, but often we just spin our wheels, exhausted and discouraged.

"I'll never get ahead." "This problem will never be solved." "My life will never get better." The weight of impossibility presses down.

But what if the problem isn't that we're reaching for the impossible? What if the problem is we're relying on our own limited strength rather than tapping into an unlimited power source?

In the Bible, Jesus said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) On our own, there are many things we simply cannot do. But we aren't designed to go solo. God offers Himself as our source of power, and with Him even the impossible becomes possible.

When we feel drained, He can energize and strengthen us. When we feel inadequate or afraid, He infuses us with His courage and confidence. When obstacles loom large, He makes a way through.

God specializes in the impossible. He turns barren women into joyful mothers. He enables shepherd boys to defeat giants. He even raises the dead to life. No situation is too dire for Him.

So where does that leave us? Are we supposed to sit back passively and wait for God to fix everything? No. God wants active partnership with us. He gives us dreams, goals, skills, and determination. He just doesn't want us relying on our own limited strength.

Going forward, let's open our hands and invite Him into our efforts. Let's bring Him our impossibilities, believing that with His help all things are possible. He is ready and waiting for us to lean on Him. With God, the impossible becomes possible. Our dreams can become reality.