come join the 5-week minimalism fest

come join the 5-week minimalism fest
Photo by Sarah Brown / Unsplash

Autumn is here, and it’s a good time to create some outer order in our homes and in our lives. So, how about we have a festival that focuses exclusively on simplifying our lives? I’m calling it the 5-Week Minimalism Fest.

Here’s how it goes:

Each person gets rid of one thing each day in the first week. In the second week, two things per day. In the third week, three things. In the fourth week, four, and in the fifth week, five. Simple, right?

You can participate in this 5-week fest by yourself or do it with a friend, family member, a relative, or a coworker, who’s equally excited as you in decluttering their stuff.

It doesn’t matter what item you get rid of. It can be anything: paper, clothes, electronics, books, furniture, toys, silverware, kitchen tools and appliances, wall clocks, linen, you name it.

If you commit and stick to the end, you’ll be able to declutter more than 100 items from your home successfully.

In total, here are the number of things you’ll be able to get rid of each week:

Week 1 - 7 (Total: 7)

Week 2 - 14 (Total: 21)

Week 3 - 21 (Total: 42)

Week 4 - 28 (Total: 70)

Week 5 - 35 (Total: 105)

Whether you choose to trash, recycle, sell, or donate, it’s up to you. The most important thing is getting rid of every item once and for all (preferably that day itself). There’s no going back!

I don’t think you’ll find a minimalism-oriented activity easier than this one. The main aim behind this fest is to help you overcome inertia and just get started. As you go further, you’ll slowly start building momentum and over time, be able to declutter more and more of your excess stuff.

Feel free to share your simplifying journey with me on Twitter. I'd love to hear from you!

PS: If you enjoyed this essay and are inclined towards cultivating a minimalist mindset, I’d encourage you to read my book Daily Minimalism (The Daily Learner, Book 4). The condensed timeless knowledge in the daily meditations will help you navigate through the complexities that come with modern living and guide you in your quest to live a happy and meaningful life.