the cross you bear is the best of all (part 2)

the cross you bear is the best of all (part 2)
Photo by il vano / Unsplash

"The Changed Cross" is a deeply profound poem that carries within its verses a powerful message of transformation and spiritual growth. This literary piece invites readers to reflect upon the significance of embracing life's challenges and finding meaning in the midst of adversity.

The central metaphor of "The Changed Cross" is the cross, a symbol that traditionally represents suffering and sacrifice. However, the poem presents a unique perspective by suggesting that the cross can be transformed into a source of enlightenment and personal evolution. It encourages individuals to see their trials not as burdens to bear, but as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Here are some valuable lessons we can learn from this piece of writing:

  1. Acceptance of our own burdens: We should recognize that the challenges and burdens we face in life are uniquely designed for us. Instead of wishing for someone else's circumstances, we should learn to accept and embrace our own crosses, understanding that they serve a purpose in our personal growth.
  2. The illusion of external appearances: The story emphasizes that appearances can be deceiving. While a cross adorned with jewels and gold may seem desirable, it may actually be too heavy for us to bear. Similarly, a seemingly effortless life may hide its own set of difficulties. It reminds us not to envy others based solely on external appearances.
  3. Trust in the wisdom of God: The story highlights the idea that God or a Higher Power knows what burdens are best suited for us. It encourages us to trust in the wisdom of a higher plan and have faith that our own challenges are purposeful and will ultimately lead to our personal development and growth.
  4. Gratitude for our own journey: The story teaches us to appreciate and be grateful for our unique path in life. It shows that the plainest and simplest cross, bearing only words of love, can be the most meaningful and manageable. We should cultivate gratitude for our own struggles and the lessons they bring, realizing that they are precisely what we need to become the best versions of ourselves.
  5. Empathy and understanding: The story reminds us not to judge or envy others based on surface-level observations. We never truly know the weight of someone else's burdens or the challenges they face. It encourages empathy and understanding, reminding us to approach others with compassion rather than assuming their lives are easier than ours.


Corn Flakes became a commercial success only after W.K. Kellogg changed the name from Elijah’s Manna.