you must be willing to wait patiently

you must be willing to wait patiently

After waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. 

(Hebrews 6:15)

Abraham’s life was far from easy, and he was tested for an extremely long time. By postponing the fulfillment of His promise, the Lord put him to the test. Satan put him to the test by temptation, and others put him to the test through their jealousy, suspicion, and hostility. Sarah put him to the test with her unsettling demeanor. Despite this, Abraham patiently persevered, not doubting God’s faithfulness and love or questioning God’s plan and his purity, sincerity, power, and glory. Rather, he surrendered to God’s divine sovereignty and unfathomable wisdom. And through many delays, he remained silent, willing to wait for the Lord’s timing. After patiently waiting and enduring, he was finally rewarded with the fulfillment of the promise.

Things might not have been going your way, and there’s a good chance that you are sick and tired of waiting for results and rewards to show up. Maybe you have tried and tested everything and nothing seems to be working for you. Maybe you’ve arrived at your wit’s end and are questioning whether you’re on the right path. Maybe you’re having a tough time dealing with people and are tempted to write them off. No matter what you’re going through, you must gather yourself and keep yourself calm and cool.

You have to trust God’s promises and believe that they can never fail to be kept. They will be accomplished for sure. And those who patiently wait can never get disappointed or bogged down because believing leads to seeing. When you keep your faith at all times, you position yourself to receive rich rewards. 

Benjamin Franklin once said, “He that can have patience can have what he will.” Patience is a crucial skill that we must all strive to possess. It’s wise to remind ourselves again and again that all good things take time.

Hastiness, complaining, and questioning God’s plan won’t take us too far. Instead, we must model Abraham’s life and develop patience and submit quietly to God’s will and way. 

Remember, we’ve all been given patience for a reason. Abraham was tested constantly, yet he patiently waited, eventually receiving what he had been promised, and being satisfied. If you follow in his footsteps, you will receive the same blessing.

Related: waiting is a part of life